Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. in Persian language and literature, mystical orientation, from Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin



Intellect is one of the concepts that have been given different and sometimes contradictory definitions, and everyone has presented an interpretation of it based on their own intellectual opinion. For a long time, there has been a difference of opinion between mystics and philosophers about reason, and among the mystics who have spoken in this field is Najm al-Din Razi, nicknamed Najme Dayeh, who authored Mersadolebaad in mysticism, Sufism, and Sufism in the first half of the 7th century AH. The present study investigates and analyzes the place of reason in Merasodolebaad in a descriptive-analytical way. The research data has been analyzed using the content analysis technique and in a library manner. The research is looking for an answer to the question of what the place of reason is in Mersadolebaad and, basically, to what extent and in what cases Razi accepts intellectual knowledge. The results of the study show that this great mystic has limits for reason, and it is a mistake where reason wants to be the only tool of knowledge, and the intellect that does not accept revelation is a source of error. This point does not mean the downgrading of reason and its position, but it is in line with the exaltation of reason and attention to its existential order. Also, from Razi's point of view, the intellect is incapable of knowing the divine names and attributes and must reach enlightenment through cultivation and austerity.
