Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Velayat University, Iranshahr, Iran



This study conducts a comparative hermeneutic analysis of the works of Forough Farrokhzad and T.S. Eliot. Drawing on Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutics, the present study aims to uncover both the commonalities and differences in the philosophical, social, and humanistic dimensions of these two prominent poets' works. The findings reveal that despite their cultural and historical disparities, both poets share a common concern for the experiences of modern humanity. Fundamental themes such as loneliness, alienation, and the search for meaning, as ubiquitous experiences of contemporary humans, are prominently featured in both works. However, the manner in which these themes are expressed, and the use of symbolism differ significantly. Farrokhzad, with her direct and emotive language, challenges social norms and explores individual identity within a traditional society, while Eliot, employing complex and symbolic language, depicts the existential crises of modern humans in an industrial society. Comparative analysis reveals that while both poets utilize symbols such as water, city, and nature, their works’ application and semantic weight vary. Moreover, the narrative structures of the two poets' works also exhibit significant differences. Farrokhzad employs a more linear and direct narrative structure, while Eliot utilizes a fragmented and stream-of-consciousness approach. This research demonstrates that Gadamerian hermeneutics provides a powerful tool for in-depth analysis of literary works and for uncovering their hidden layers of meaning.
