Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran



The concepts of "the real", “object a”, and "fantasy" are among the most important and, at the same time, most difficult ideas of Jacques Lacan, a famous contemporary French psychologist and philosopher who, in addition to his knowledge of psychology, plays an important role in the critique and analysis of works of art and literature. In Lacan's view, the real refers to pre-symbolic materiality, which strangely resists symbolism and disrupts the symbolic realm. Fantasy is also a subconscious function that provides a basis for expressing people's suppressed desires and aspirations. Both of these concepts can also effectively analyze the hidden messages of literary texts, especially texts, especially texts with a cryptic and symbolic structure. The long story "With Pomegranate and Bergamot from an Apple Branch" by Ghazaleh Alizadeh is one of the distinctive works dedicated to the description of different narratives of the members of an aristocratic family about an imaginary bird that appears in a different color and shape for each character, disappears from view, and then reappears, causing the formation of different dreams for these characters, including their subconscious desires. In this research, an attempt has been made to analyze the mentioned story using a descriptive-analytical method, relying on the views of Jacques Lacan. The results show that the characters’ different and conflicting perceptions of the imaginary bird are in accordance with the concept of different perceptions of the real. Also, the final dreams of the characters, which appear at the same time as the bird reappears, are basically the subconscious function of their psyche, displaying their suppressed wishes and desires.
