Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Mazandaran

2 Department of Russian Language, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran



A prominent feature of Russian philosophy is its close connection with literature, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky is one of the most prominent representatives of Russian literature. In the heart of his creative works, he discussed complex moral issues and created literary texts that also contained philosophical reflections. In this article, by carefully examining the life and literary legacy of Fyodor Dostoyevsky, we examine the process of formation and expansion of the philosophical views of this great Russian writer of the 19th century. We also try to find out how the Various aspects of his life-based on his moral foundations and intellectual interests, organized his worldview. This research used library sources, the descriptive-analytical method, and the interdisciplinary approach. The results of the research show that Dostoyevsky had a special view of the process of human formation. He, who was a follower of socialist ideas in his youth, changed after experiencing the painful moment of execution, prison, and exile. As a result, he found a new tragic view of life. He became a believer. A faith that its main result was the idea of ​​salvation through suffering. In all his later works, we can see the reflection of this idea.
