Document Type : Original Article


PhD of Persian language and literature from Islamic Azād University of Iran



The so-called ‘conflict between philosophy and poetry’, as can be seen in Plato and Aristotle, has two dimensions: first, to place poetry in a position inferior to philosophy, and second, to absorb poetry in philosophy. The purpose of this study is to draw the main lines of Ibn Rushd's argument, based on a kind of close reading, in the work known as Middle Commentary on Aristotle's Poetics so that based on them, the claim that Ibn Rushd, following Plato and Aristotle (each in his own way), depicted this conflict in the mentioned work. When this conflict reaches the tradition of Muslim philosophers in the Middle Ages, specifically Ibn Rushd, it is divided into two conflicts: first, the conflict between revelation and poetry, and second, the conflict between philosophy and revelation/poetry. It should be noted that the distinction that Ibn Rushd himself makes between natural nations [al-umam al-abīiyyah]and so-called unnatural nations is a pivotal distinction for the present research.  
