Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Prof in Political science, Faculty of Administrative Science and Economics, Arak University, Arak.

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Mazandaran.

3 Master of Political Science, University of Mazandaran



Nima's poem expresses his displeasure with the banality caused by transformation and progress in the modern era and the search for simplicity and authenticity of life. In this research, using the critical approach of the Frankfurt School, various manifestations of modernism were analyzed according to Nima’s point of view. The founders of the Frankfurt School, by expressing their dissatisfaction with modern reason and instrumental rationality, portraying the destructive consequences of technology, and the resulting alienation, wanted a life away from violence and war and full of peace and understanding, and they considered modern aesthetics to be a suitable platform to express this situation. Based on this, the question of the present study is how the criticisms and displeasures of Nima's poems show clear aspects of the criticism of the modern era and its complications. For this purpose, using the documentary method and comparative content analysis with a descriptive-analytical approach, the present study reviewed some of Nima's poems with regard to the main concepts of the Frankfurt School. What appears most in Nima's poems is dissatisfaction with the banality caused by transformation and progress at any price, criticism of loneliness and isolation of man in the modern era, the dominance of systems over the life world, and ultimately, the destruction of the life world.
