Document Type : Original Article


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Bo Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran



The Safavid era is a period of turmoil and important political, social, economic and cultural changes in the history of Iran. In this period, with the coming to power of a completely ideological government, which was unprecedented until then, all the basic criteria and structures of the society underwent changes and transformations. The basic political developments had a deep impact on the language, culture and literature of this era, which can be seen reflected in the diverse and written works of this era. In the Safavid government, power was divided between three groups: the kings and the court, Qazalbash soldiers, and Shia religious scholars with different frequencies at different times. In this political game, every time one of these power actors took control of affairs openly or covertly, the effects of their influence on the society and the people and following them on the field of language and literature. It provides and it shaped and directed the style and structure of literary and cultural works. According to the sociology of language In the current research, the influence of power on the book "Treatise on the Safavid Kingdom" has been examined from the perspective of the sociology of language, and various verbal and spiritual aspects of this influence have been shown. The Arabicism of the clergy, influenced by the ideology ruling the society, has led the style and structure of this book to the eclecticism of Persian and Arabic syntax. And in terms of content, it has favored the Safavid government.
