Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaʼi University, Tehran, Iran



Unlike Freud, who thought the goal of psychoanalysis was to treat patients, Lacan considered this knowledge to be the recognition of the subject's true desire from the desire of another. In his opinion, this is especially possible by understanding Hegel's dialectic of master and servant. With the passage of the subject from the illusion and the revelation of the false perfection of the ego, the subject's true desire is distinguished from the desire of another. Referring to the subject from one sign to another in the hope of achieving the phallus will only result in failure for him. Still, by repeating this failure, he is thrown from the position of obsession to hysteria or psychosis, which causes the subject to reach mental health and experience well-being. Relying on the qualitative analysis method, this research first introduced the mental health model from the perspective of Hegel and Lacan and evaluated the example of this model in The Name of All Men in Tehran is Alireza. The results of the research show that Parisa first paid attention to the desire of Alireza in other positions. She wanted to establish Alireza as a phallus, but there came a time when realizing the lack in Alireza, she gave up on the phallus and, like a hysterical subject, wanted to be a phallus for him.
