Document Type : Original Article


1 Postdoctoral researcher of Persian language and literature at Kharazmi University

2 Associate Professor of Kharazmi University



Translating and transferring concepts from the source language and expressing them in the target language is not limited to linguistic-literary knowledge and word selection;especially if the text in question is related to wisdom and philosophical concepts. Transferring concepts from one language to another, along with the use of words and expressions, requires a general understanding of the writer's point of view in the original language. Considering the philosophical content of some books and the great reliance of the author of such works on thought, it is very important to use an expression similar to the author's expression. The Book of Speech in the Method of Using Wisdom, written by Rene Descartes, is an example of a book written to convey intellectual concepts and display the author's world of thought. In this book, Descartes presents new concepts about philosophy and life. This work has been translated into Persian several times; the most famous of these translations are Hikmate Naseriyeh or the Book of Diakert by Molla Lalehzar Hamedani and Foroughi's translation with the title of A Speech on the Method of Using Wisdom. In addition to language and literature (in its special sense), the intellectual structure and time of compilation of these two books have had an effect on the rhetoric of these two translators. The present research has compared these two translations and measured the influence of each translator's era and background on the quality of expression and eloquence of his work.
