Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd. in Philosophy, Qom University

2 Assistanc professore



Narratology is a set of general rules about the narrative style of time in a plot or story, and one of its general features is to make time objective and comprehensible; it is a way to read and express time. Gérard Gannet considers time to be an integral part of all stories and narratives and believes that it plays an essential role in the expression of any story and narrative plan. The purpose of this research is to investigate, analyze, and compare narratology in the issue of time from Mulla Sadra's point of view based on Gerard Genet's narrative components athrough the library method. In Mulla Sadra's philosophy, time is an intrinsic value of a continuous nature, which has temporal precedence and delay in the series of sequences and delays. In the language of narratology, it has the characteristics of "then" and "then". As a result, time has temporal narration; this means having "regularity", which means being "then and then", having "delay", which means movement with a specific value, and "frequency", which means an orderly arrangement in terms of movement and time.
